Seven Eternal Truths

The goals God intends for us to achieve and unconditionally embrace.

Kabbalism teaches knowledge of the Seven Eternal Truths. In order to correctly understand and fully absorb these truths, we need to live countless lives in this material world. These are the Seven Eternal Truths that we unconsciously bring with us into every physical life, and should strive to absorb into our total being in each life.
  1. All is One – We are interconnected with all other life. We must not intentionally bring harm to one another. To harm another is to harm our selves, because of the natural interconnectedness of all life. We must accept and honor our interconnectedness with our families, both those within to which we are involuntarily born and those which we voluntarily acquire through life. We must also take full responsibility for our words and actions, for these acts are performed out of our will alone. What we do and what we say stays with the world for all eternity.
  2. Honor One Another – The interconnectedness of all life demands that we treat all others with honor and integrity. We are part of the earthly human species. We are part of a spirituous species from which all human souls originate. We are part of a vast family, from which we can never withdraw. We are never alone. All relationships should generate positive energy for all those partaking in the association. All personal relationships are covenants, and should be treated with respect and love. If such a covenant needs to be discontinued, it should be severed with mutual love and respect.
  3. Honor Yourself – We are immortal spirituous beings. We should treat our selves with honor and respect. Each of us is the sole source of the person we become. If we respect our selves, we lay the firm foundation for receiving respect from all others. We should strive to fulfill our personal expectations, for only then will we find ultimate satisfaction. We should avoid the temptations of envy and jealousy, for they are created out of disrespect for our selves. We should recognize the blessings we experience in each life, and hold them in gratitude. We must hold the gift of life itself as the greatest blessing.
  4. The Only Authentic Power is Love – We all require love to be successful. We need to perfect our power of love and develop the ability to forgive. Love and forgiveness go hand in hand. Love is meant to be given unconditionally, and forgiveness is to be extended unconditionally as well. Out of forgiveness comes even greater love. Our first love is meant to be self-love. When we love ourselves completely, we can then begin to extend unconditional love to others. Love soothes the soul and calms the world. We are creatures of compassion who thrive in an atmosphere of tranquility and harmony. Only through love are all things possible.
  5. Surrender to the Spirit – We all wish to know why we exist. The answer can only be obtained when we search within and surrender to what the spirit reveals to us. Spiritual surrender eliminates doubts and creates hope for spiritual tranquility. We reap satisfactions and rewards that transcend all material wealth. We subsequently experience relationships steeped in synchronicity. We avoid negative judgments of our selves and others. We realize the lessons we are intended to learn and the goals we are intended to achieve in this life. We open the mental pathway to conscious understanding of the Seven Eternal Truths.
  6. Acceptance of the Seven Eternal Truths – Realization of the Seven Truths opens our hearts to philosophical change. We can discard our incorrect beliefs and continue on a lifelong path of seeking truth. Cultural, familial, and societal conditionings eventually vanish. Realization of the Seven Truths ordains us as vessels of divine will. We understand how we can become continual servants of God. We experience greater and greater mental clarity that allows spiritual experience to perfectly blend with physical experience. We radiate support and love to all others around us, and become recognized as the vessels of the divine we have always been intended to become. We discover what am I.
  7. Now is all that Exists – There is no such thing as the passage of time. It is merely a linguistic colloquialism. It is a false perception conditioned by our memories of the progressive changes we remember from the experience of the physical world. The past is no more than a mental machination. The future is but a converse machination of memory; hazy and unpredictable. There is only the perpetual present moment. The present moment began at creation, and will continue forevermore. This inescapable truth allows us to understand that we are immortal. There is no such thing as life after death. There is only life after life. We cannot die. All that we do, or have ever done, is part of us forever. When we grasp this concept, we transcend fixating on past mistakes and missed opportunities, and we avoid the false hopes of future fantasies. We live our lives in the eternal Now.
We come into this world to learn lessons yet unlearned by our spirituous being, and achieve the goals intended for this life. Our mind is a spirituous organ. Our brain is not our mind. The brain is a bi-directional biological modem that translates bodily sensation into mental understanding, and conversely translates mental operation into physical machination. The brain is primitive and immature at birth. As we grow in infancy, brain functions become segregated according to evolved organic genesis. Also, the brain is directly subject to the powerful influences of our physical senses. Evolved organic genesis and sensate influences experienced in infancy create the possibility for three perceived levels of understanding. The conscious level primarily contains vivid physical memories and comprehensions. The subconscious is primarily comprised of non-vivid memories and the first two eternal truths, which are drawn out by the necessities of infant experience. The unconscious contains the lessons, goals, and the five remaining eternal truths brought with us when we were merged with our physical bodies in our mother’s wombs, and can only be realized once we achieve full intellectual and spiritual maturity. We spend many years growing into biological maturity. However, biological maturity is not full maturity. We are whole only when we allow the unconsciously stored lessons, goals, and truths to become consciously understood and unconditionally accepted. Because we have a will that is perfectly free, we can deny these truths, not learn our intended lessons, and neglect to achieve our intended goals. We must accept what we are of our own free will. We must surrender to our spirit within, in order to experience self-satisfaction and tranquility with our place in the world as it is intended for this life. Only then are we authentically mature. We strive to fulfill  individual destiny, and contribute to the intended destiny of mankind. We can become the servants of God and become the hands and eyes of God in this creation. Each of us is a singular being that is intended to help humanity reach its divine goal. We are intended to become one with ourselves.  We become what are we.



1. Manhar, Nurho; The Sepher Ha-Zohar (Book of Light); Edited by H.W. Percival; Theosophical Publishing Company, New York; 1914.

2. Cooper, Rabbi David A.; God is a Verb : Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Judaism; Berkley Publishing Group of Penguin Putnam Inc., New York. 1997