Is There God?

A cosmological/scientific proof of God.

For most believers, the answer to the question of God is merely a belief. No matter how strong the belief might be, there is always some doubt in the believer’s mind, or at the very least the possibility of doubt. In most cases, when people are asked if they believe in God, and they say “Yes” or “No“, they really mean “I think so, but I don’t really know”  or “Naah! I don’t believe in that stuff”. We are conditioned to the idea that we can never answer the question of God’s existence with a simple “Yes” or “No”. The issue of belief always enters in. For the past 5000 years of recorded history, this is about as far as it could go. At least until the last decade of the 20th century. Something in science has changed the question of God completely, but this landmark discovery has gone virtually un-noticed outside of the relatively few cutting-edge scientists who chanced upon this remarkable discovery.

The field of science where the discovery was made is called Cosmology. Cosmologists study the entirety of the known universe, which includes more than 100 billion identifiable galaxies, each having an average of more than 100 billion stars. The three major areas of research and theory are called regularity, uniformity, and smoothness. Each is not difficult to conceptualize. Regularity is the consistency and predictability of the processes of the universe. Cosmologists look at the frequency of things like star formation, black holes and novas, and recently the likelihood of planets orbiting stars like our sun. Mathematical probabilities have been run on regularity with respect to the universe at large, and there is about one chance in 100 billion that the consistency of events found in the universe happened randomly, or by chance alone. Not likely at all. But not unlikely enough to come to a firm, unquestionable conclusion.

Next, the study of uniformity deals with how well distributed all the matter in the universe seems to be. Is it “clumpy” or distributed evenly? Let's look at the universe as a whole, and how galaxies are located relative to each other.  The galaxies of our universe are assembled in groups, and the groups are strung togehter around vast bubbles of virtually empty space, making a lossely-bound spaghetti-like structure that stretches for billions upon billions of light years in distance. Regardless, the overall pattern of this contorted, twisted mass of 100 billion galaxies is exceptionally uniform when we look at the universe taken as a whole…very, very evenly distributed. No matter which direction we look from Earth, the distribution seems astonishingly consistent. The probability of this high level of uniformity occurring by chance is, similar to regularity, about 1 in 100 billion.

Finally, the notion of cosmic smoothness deals with the expansion of the universe. Is it expanding faster in some directions from Earth, and slower in others? No. The degree of smoothness is extraordinary, in fact. Very, very smooth. No matter which direction you look in the universe, it is expanding at virtually the identical rate. The probability of this happening by chance is, again similar to regularity and uniformity, about 1 in 100 billion. By combining all three probabilities, which means multiplying them together, we find the probability of our universe being as regular, uniform, and smooth as it is entirely by chance (utterly due to a random event 13.7 billion years ago), to be about one in a billion, trillion, trillion chances. Not a number any mind can really get itself around. However, this exceptionally low probability approaches mathematical absurdity. Not really worth considering.

In other words, it is exceedingly improbable that our universe occurred by chance alone. In all probability, our universe did not occur randomly.

Our universe, in all probability, was made

The scientist will not, nor by scientific constraint cannot, say who or what made the universe. And, traditional theology avoids scientific discovery like the plague. There is an invisible theosophical line between science and religion, and neither group will allow themselves to cross it. But the Ecstatic Kabbalist does not place limits on the understanding of the universe or the pervasive spirit of the universe and beyond. The Ecstatic Kabbalist rejects the Theosophical Barrier between science and the spirit, and does so with great enthusiasm. Yes, the universe was certainly made. We know of only one being capable of making something as enormous, regular, uniform, and smooth as the universe we live in. The universe was made, thus the universe must have a Maker. The being who made our universe is the one we call God.

There is yet another proof of God’s existence, subtle but significant. We all have the idea of God ingrained in our being. Those who deny this and point to societal conditioning for the idea of God fail to consider two compelling pieces of evidence. First, human artifacts dating to around 100,000 BC include burial sites. A 100,000 year old site found near Jerusalem contained fossilized flowers and oddly shaped stones of various colors, indicating a spiritual content to the primitive human condition relative to death and dying. Was this a matter of socio-religious conditioning? Probably not. Widespread sociological conditioning 100,00 years ago was probably nonexistent.

A second bit of evidence on the universality of the idea of God is startling. Later in her life, Helen Keller wrote about her wordless thoughts which she had prior to her learning to communicate. One was, “Who made the land, the sea, everything?” She could touch the land and feel the rumble of the sea, but had no way of acquiring any sort of psychological or social conditioning until she was in her teens. These adolescent thoughts could not have resulted from any possible societal or religious influence. She clearly intuited that “someone” had made the world. Where did her spiritual thought come from? It must have been naturally ingrained, and could not have been the result of communicative influence. The idea of God is universal and unconditioned, indeed.  

No matter which of the above lines of reasoning you find compelling (if not both), the question of God no longer needs to be a matter of belief. We can say, unequivocally, that God exists. No doubt about it. End of question.



1. Hawking, Stephen W.; A Brief History of Time; A Bantam Book, Toronto, New York, et. al.; 1988.

2. Evidence for God from Science; God and; 2010.

3. Cooper, Rabbi David A.; God is a Verb : Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Judaism; Berkley Publishing Group of Penguin Putnam Inc., New York. 1997

4. Helen Keller Biography; American Foundation for the Blind; 2010.

5. Helen Keller Quotes; Brainy; 2010.